Welcome, and thank you for visiting our site
We are the men and women of American Ex-Prisoners of War, San Diego County Chapter 1. We're the POWs, their family members, and friends.
Our organization is dedicated to preserve the memories and experiences of our country's former Prisoners of War, so that future generations may remember, and avoid such as we have experienced.
History, lived by our members

It has been said "May you live in interesting times". Those characterized on these pages can certianly lay claim to having done that. To a man, though they would have preferred at the time not to, the experiences detailed on these pages are a part of each of these extraordinary people.
Click on our photos for our biographies

This is the "Liberation Moment" statue that our chapter (with much help from folks like you!) commissioned to honor those who have experienced the uplifting moment that this signifies, that brief, shining moment when one's incarceration is no more. Each POW that has been fortunate enough to experience this, can recognize the moment in time that is depicted in this larger-than-life recreation.
The permenant home chosen for this moving tribute is the POW pavillion at the Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego, California.
The statue contains a time capsule secured in the base. This capsule contains the recorded stories of our members, photos and memorabilia for future generations to remember us by. It will be opened in 2045, commemorating the "Spirit of '45", an effort to ensure that future generations spare themselves the experiences that qualify them as members of our fraternity.
The product of years of effort by members of our chapter, and with the help and consideration from other chapters, employees of the VARO, and contributions from the general public, this memorial was dedicated on September 16, 2011.